Since 1998 we've been focusing on the one thing we do best. We design and develop unique web templates that look great and make it easy for you to get your site up and running quickly and easily.
My name is Karey Cummins and I am owner, manager, designer, cook, janitor, and webmaster of this site. You thought I was a big corporation, didn't you? I have been creating web sites and designing computer graphics since early 1998. After coming from a background in fine arts, making the move from brushes and paints to the new digital medium was a natural transition. (And now I don't have all of those brushes to clean!)
We're not a "monster" site...nor an affiliate of any design company or reseller. I envision, design, create, test, and support each template you find on this site.
My feeling is that you want a great template at a fair price, plus quality support for the product you buy. Since I make each and every template, I am best able to give you any help or support you need.
I believe that what people want is easy. When half the people who visit your website can't even figure out the remote for their DVD player, you want keep it as easy as possible. That means templates by contain clear navigation and some very nifty designs. When you combine the ease cascading style sheets with the power of web templates, the sky's the limit on what you can do.
I'm fortunate to have a nice large office at home. Both my son and daughter have left the nest but live close by. I miss my husband (widowhood really sucks), but life does go on. Most days you can find me hard at work thinking up new designs and ideas for future templates. And, yes, I do own a pair of fuzzy slippers and I also love to cook. Life is full and I give thanks each and every day.
We make templates that work for you. They are easy to use, flexible, and are designed with clean coding, validated CSS and HTML5, and are cross-browser tested. A good template should complement, not compete, with your site content.
By focusing on designing great templates, there are things that we don't do! We don't do your advertising, your web traffic analysis, search engine submissions, map out your site navigation strategy, or plan a pay-per-click advertising campaign. We don't do database integration or add extra server-side scripting. If you need things like password protection, dynamic calendars, and other extras, there are dozens of great scripts online for this type of thing.