
Home Page Main Images:

Required size for home page images: 380 x 380 pixels.
Image Source: Big Stock Photo #35037170, #99062039, #36379417 [See copyright info below.]
Logo Icon Image: 32 x 32 pixels [transparent .png format]

Creative Commons License: All non-watermarked images and photos in this template are licensed under Creative Commons Zero which means you can copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free, including commercial purposes, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the photographer or vendor. For more specific vendor and photo information, contact us for details.

Copyright Info: Any watermarked images and photos are included for demonstration purposes to give our customers a functional preview of what the template will look like once content has been added. Watermarked photos may not be shared, copied, used or redistributed in any way, nor may they be uploaded to your hosting server. We can also arrange to license images for our customers to use in their web site. Contact us for more details.

Images - Float Left

sampleFloat an image to the left without a border:

<img class="img-left" src="photo.jpg">


sampleFloat an image to the left with a border:

<img class="img-left img-border" src="photo.jpg">


sampleFloat an image to the left with a frame and shadow:

<img class="img-left-shadow-frame" src="photo.jpg">


sampleMake a square image appear round and float to the left.

<img class="img-left-round-shadow" src="photo.jpg">

Images - Float Right

sampleFloat an image to the right without a border:

<img class="img-right" src="photo.jpg">


sampleFloat an image to the right with a border:

<img class="img-right img-border" src="photo.jpg">


sampleFloat an image to the right with a frame and shadow:

<img class="img-right-shadow-frame" src="photo.jpg">


Make a square image appear round and float to the right.

<img class="img-right-round-shadow" src="photo.jpg">

Note: We include a lot of classes that you can apply to images. We recommend you look through the CSS file to get an idea of what is there.

Icon Fonts

We have included Font Awesome icon fonts because they are quick and easy. For information on Font Awesome, please see our Instructions page. If you need something different, we are very partial to (we used one for the "logo image" in this template) where you can create your own "collection" and easily include it in your site. Another favorite is where they offer a free pack of 450 icons and full instructions on how to use them.